
Data Structures

Q-01 Write a program to implement Insertion of an element in an Array:
(a) At the beginning
(b) At the end
(c) At any given position in the middle
See Code →
Q-02 Write a program to implement Deletion of an element in an Array:
(a) From the beginning
(b) From the end
(c) From any given position in the middle
See Code →
Q-03 Write a menu driven program to implement Insertion and Deletion of elements in an Array. See Code →
Q-04 Write a program to implement Linear Search Algorithm. See Code →
Q-05 Write a program to implement Binary Search Algorithm. See Code →
Q-06 Write a program to implement Bubble Sort Algorithm. See Code →
Q-07 Write a program to implement Insertion Sort Algorithm. See Code →
Q-08 Write a program to implement Selection Sort Algorithm. See Code →
Q-09 Write a program to Create and Insert a Node in a Singly Linked List:
(a) At the beginning
(b) At the end
(c) At any given position in the middle
See Code →
Q-10 Write a program to Delete a Node from a Singly Linked List:
(a) From the beginning
(b) From the end
(c) From any given position in the middle
See Code →
Q-11 Write a program to implement all the operations of the Singly Linked List. See Code →
Q-12 Write a program to implement all the operations of STACK using Array. See Code →
Q-13 Write a program to implement all the operations of STACK using Linked List. See Code →
Q-14 Write a program to implement all the operations of LINEAR QUEUE using Array. See Code →
Q-15 Write a program to implement all the operations of LINEAR QUEUE using Linked List. See Code →
Q-16 Write a program to implement all the operations of CIRCULAR QUEUE using Array. See Code →
Q-17 Write a program to implement all the operations of CIRCULAR QUEUE using Linked List. See Code →
Q-18 Write a program to implement Pre-order (Root, Left, Right) Traversal of a Binary Tree. See Code →
Q-19 Write a program to implement In-order (Left, Root, Right) Traversal of a Binary Tree. See Code →
Q-20 Write a program to implement Post-order (Left, Right, Root) Traversal of a Binary Tree. See Code →