Q-34: Write a C++ program to demonstrate the concept of passing object as an arguments and returning object from that function.

Using - C++

#include<iostream> using namespace std; class Incrementer { public: int x; //Defaul Constructor Incrementer() { } //Parameterized Constructor Incrementer(int x) { this->x = x; } //This function takes Incrementer object as parameter and returns an Incrementer object by updating its value Incrementer increByTen(Incrementer object) { object.x += 10; return object; } }; int main() { int x; cout<< "Enter the value of X: "; cin>> x; // EXAMPLE-1: Updating and Assigning to self/same object of class Incrementer Incrementer obj(x); cout << "Initial value of X in object-1: "<< obj.x << endl; obj = obj.increByTen(obj); cout<< "Updated value of X in object-1: "<< obj.x << endl; // EXAMPLE-2: Updating and Assigning to different object of class Incrementer Incrementer obj2; obj2 = obj.increByTen(obj); cout<< "\nThe value of X in object-1 is updated and assigned to object-2." << endl; cout<< "The value of X in object-2: "<< obj2.x << endl; return 0; }


Enter the value of X:  42
Initial value of X in object-1:  42
Updated value of X in object-1:  52

The value of X in object-1 is updated and assigned to object-2.
The value of X in object-2:  62