
Programming Fundamentals Using C/C++

Q-01 Write a C/C++ program to reverse a given number. See Code →
Q-02 Write a C/C++ program to print the sum and product of digits of an integer. See Code →
Q-03 Write a C/C++ to compute the sum of the first n terms of the following series.
S = 1 + 1/2 + 1/3 + 1/4 + . . . + n
See Code →
Q-04 Write a C/C++ program to compute the sum of the first n terms of the series.
S = 1 - 2 + 3 - 4 + 5 . . . n
See Code →
Q-05 Write a function that checks whether a given string is palindrome or not. See Code →
Q-06 Write a function to find whether a given number is prime or not. Use the same function to generate all the prime numbers less than 100. See Code →
Q-07 Write a C/C++ program to display Fibanocci Series:
(i) Using Recursion
(ii) Using Iteration
See Code →
Q-08 Write a C/C++ program to calculate GCD of two numbers:
(i) Using Recursion
(ii) Using Iteration
See Code →
Q-09 Write a C/C++ program to calculate Factorial of a given number:
(i) Using Recursion
(ii) Using Iteration
See Code →
Q-10 Write a C/C++ program to print a triangle of asterisks(*) as follows (take number of lines from user as input):

* * *
* * * * *
* * * * * * *
See Code →
Q-11 Write a C/C++ program to compute the factors of a given number. See Code →
Q-12 Write a C/C++ program that swaps two numbers using pointers. See Code →
Q-13 Write a C++ program that create a class and to perform swapping of two numbers without using third (temporary) variable. See Code →
Q-14 Write a C++ program to create a structure Student containing fields for roll number, name, class, year and total marks. Create 5 students and display their records. See Code →
Q-15 Write a C/C++ program that performs read and write operations in a file. See Code →
Q-16 Write a C/C++ program that swaps two numbers using:
(i) Call by value
(ii) Call by reference.
See Code →
Q-17 Write a C/C++ prgram to check whether the given number is Armstrong number or not. See Code →
Q-18 Write a C/C++ program to find the sum of two matrices. See Code →
Q-19 Write a C/C++ program to find the difference of two matrices. See Code →
Q-20 Write a C/C++ program to find the product of two matrices. See Code →
Q-21 Write a C/C++ program to find the transpose of a matrix. See Code →
Q-22 Write a C/C++ program to find the length of a given string. See Code →
Q-23 Write a C/C++ program to concatenate two given strings. See Code →
Q-24 Write a C/C++ program to compare two given strings. See Code →
Q-25 Write a C/C++ program to convert all characters of given string to uppercase. See Code →
Q-26 Write a C/C++ program to count the number of vowels, semi-vowels and consonants in a given string. See Code →
Q-27 Write a C/C++ program to reverse a given string. See Code →
Q-28 Write a C/C++ program to convert a given decimal number to its equivalent binary number. See Code →
Q-29 Write a C/C++ program to convert a given binary number/string to its equivalent decimal number. See Code →
Q-30 Write a C/C++ program to reverse a given array. See Code →
Q-31 Write a C/C++ program to find the maximum and minimum value in a given array. See Code →
Q-32 Write a C/C++ program to find the position of given element in an array. See Code →
Q-33 Write a C/C++ program to find the position of all the occurrences of the given element in an array. See Code →
Q-34 Write a C++ program to demonstrate the concept of passing object as an arguments and returning object from that function. See Code →
Q-35 Write a menu driven C/C++ program using switch-case statement that acts as a basic calculator. See Code →
Q-36 Write a C++ program to demonstrate the concept of function overloading.
(Compile time Polymorphism)
See Code →
Q-37 Write a C++ program to demonstrate the concept of operator overloading.
(Compile time Polymorphism)
See Code →
Q-38 Write a C++ program to demonstrate the concept of multi-level inheritance. See Code →
Q-39 Write a C++ program to demonstrate the concept of multiple inheritance. See Code →
Q-40 Write a C++ program to demonstrate the concept of hierarchical inheritance. See Code →
Q-41 Write a C++ program to demonstrate the concept of hybrid inheritance. See Code →
Q-42 Write a C++ program to demonstrate the use of virtual function.
(Runtime time Polymorphism)
See Code →