Q-41: Write a C++ program to demonstrate the concept of hybrid inheritance.

Using - C++

// Contributed by - Anuj Das ( GC College, Silchar - @ Department of Computer Science ) #include<iostream> using namespace std; // Parent/Base class Super_A class Super_A { public: void methodSuper_A() { cout<< "I'm a function() of class Super_A"<< endl; } }; // class Derived_B is derived from parent class Super_A (Single-Level Inheritence) class Derived_B : public Super_A { public: void methodDerived_B() { cout<< "I'm a function() of class Derived_B"<< endl; } }; // class Derived_C is derived from parent class Derived_B (Multi-Level Inheritence) class Derived_C : public Derived_B { public: void methodDerived_C() { cout<< "I'm a function() of class Derived_C"<< endl; } }; // class Derived_C and Derived_D is derived from parent class Derived_B (Hierarchical Inheritence) class Derived_D : public Derived_B { public: void methodDerived_D() { cout<< "I'm a function() of class Derived_D"<< endl; } }; // class Derived_E is derived from class Derived_C and Derived_D (Multiple Inheritence) class Derived_E : public Derived_C, public Derived_D { public: void methodDerived_E() { cout<< "I'm a function() of class Derived_E"<< endl; } }; int main() { Super_A obj_A; obj_A.methodSuper_A(); Derived_B obj_B; obj_B.methodSuper_A(); obj_B.methodDerived_B(); Derived_E obj; // obj.methodSuper_A(); // Ambiguous Super_A::methodSuper_A() because of classes Derived_C & Derived_D // obj.methodDerived_B(); // Ambiguous Derived_B::methodDerived_B() because of classes Derived_C & Derived_D obj.methodDerived_C(); obj.methodDerived_D(); obj.methodDerived_E(); return 0; }


I'm a function() of class Super_A
I'm a function() of class Super_A
I'm a function() of class Derived_B
I'm a function() of class Derived_C
I'm a function() of class Derived_D
I'm a function() of class Derived_E