Q-21: Write a JAVA program to implement the concept of Hierarchical Inheritance.

Hierarchical inheritance

// Contributed by - Anuj Das ( GC College, Silchar - @ Department of Computer Science ) import java.util.Scanner; class SuperA { int x, y; void getXY() { System.out.print("Enter the value of X: "); x = new Scanner(System.in).nextInt(); System.out.print("Enter the value of Y: "); y = new Scanner(System.in).nextInt(); } } class Sum extends SuperA { void sumOfXY() { int sum = x + y; System.out.println("The sum of "+ x +" and "+ y +" is: "+ sum); } } class Product extends SuperA { void productOfXY() { int prod = x * y; System.out.println("The product of "+ x +" and "+ y +" is: "+ prod); } } class HierarchicalInheritance { public static void main(String[ ] args) { Sum obj1 = new Sum(); obj1.getXY(); obj1.sumOfXY(); System.out.println("\n"); Product obj2 = new Product(); obj2.getXY(); obj2.productOfXY(); } }


cmd->  javac  HierarchicalInheritance.java
cmd->  java  HierarchicalInheritance

Enter the value of X:  4
Enter the value of Y:  5
The sum of 4 and 5 is: 9

Enter the value of X:  6
Enter the value of Y:  5
The product of 6 and 5 is: 30