
Programming in JAVA

Q-01 Write a JAVA program to find the sum of any number of integers entered as command line arguments. See Code →
Q-02 Write a JAVA program to find the Factorial of a given number:
(i) Using Recursion
(ii) Using Iteration
See Code →
Q-03 Write a JAVA program to display Fibanocci Series:
(i) Using Recursion
(ii) Using Iteration
See Code →
Q-04 Write a JAVA program to convert a given Decimal number to its equivalent Binary number. See Code →
Q-05 Write a JAVA program to convert a given Binary number/string to its equivalent Decimal number. See Code →
Q-06 Write a JAVA program to convert a given Binary number to its equivalent Hexadecimal value. See Code →
Q-07 Write a JAVA program to check whether the given number is prime or not. See Code →
Q-08 Write a JAVA program to find the position of a number in a given Array. See Code →
Q-09 Write a JAVA program to sort a given Array in Ascending Order and Descending Order. See Code →
Q-10 Write a JAVA program to search a number in a given List (Using ArrayList from Collection Framework). See Code →
Q-11 Write a JAVA program to sort a given List of numbers in Ascending Order and Descending Order (Using ArrayList from Collection Framework). See Code →
Q-12 Write a JAVA program to show working of different methods of String class:
equalsIgnoreCase();   replace();
toUpperCase();   trim();   valueOf();
startsWith();   substring();   toLowerCase();
concat();   contains();   endsWith();   equals();
length();   charAt();   indexOf();   lastIndexOf();
See Code →
Q-13 Write a JAVA program to show working of different methods of StringBuffer class:
append();   insert();   replace();   delete();   reverse();   capacity();
See Code →
Q-14 Write a JAVA program to create a class Distance which consists of two coordinates as data members and a constructor which initializes the values of coordinates and a method which calculates the distance between two coordinates. See Code →
Q-15 Write a JAVA program to implement the concept of Method Overloading (Compile Time Polymorphism). See Code →
Q-16 Write a JAVA program to implement the concept of Method Overriding (Run Time Polymorphism). See Code →
Q-17 Write a JAVA program to show the uses of static data members and static methods. See Code →
Q-18 Write a JAVA program to demonstrate the concept of boxing and unboxing. See Code →
Q-19 Write a JAVA program to implement the concept of Single-Level Inheritance. See Code →
Q-20 Write a JAVA program to implement the concept of Multi-Level Inheritance. See Code →
Q-21 Write a JAVA program to implement the concept of Hierarchical Inheritance. See Code →
Q-22 Write a JAVA program to create your own package and use it in your program. See Code →
Q-23 Write a JAVA program to implement the concept of Interface. See Code →
Q-24 Write a JAVA program to implement the concept of Multiple Interfaces. See Code →
Q-25 Write a JAVA program to implement the concept of exception handling mechanism. See Code →
Q-26 Write a JAVA program to handle multiple exceptions. See Code →
Q-27 Write a JAVA program to create your own exception and use it in the program. See Code →
Q-28 Write a JAVA program to read the contents of a File. See Code →
Q-29 Write a JAVA program to write the contents to a File. See Code →
Q-30 Write a JAVA program to count the number of Characters, Words and Lines in a File. See Code →
Q-31 Write a JAVA program to copy the contents of one File into another File. See Code →
Q-32 Write a program design a Simple Calculator using JAVA SWING. See Code →
Q-33 Write a program to display the coordinates of mouse, when it clicked in the GUI Window using JAVA SWING. See Code →
Q-34 Write a JAVA program to implement the concept of multi-threading by extending Thread class. See Code →
Q-35 Write a JAVA program to implement the concept of multi-threading by implementing the Runnable interface. See Code →