Q-24: Write a JAVA program to implement the concept of Multiple Interfaces.

multiple interfaces

// Contributed by - Anuj Das ( GC College, Silchar - @ Department of Computer Science ) import java.util.Scanner; interface Area { public void calcArea(); } interface Perimeter { public void calcPerimeter(); } class Circle implements Area, Perimeter { int radius; Circle(int radius) { this.radius = radius; } public void calcArea() { double area = Math.PI * radius * radius; System.out.println("The Area of the Circle is "+ area); } public void calcPerimeter() { double peri = 2 * Math.PI * radius; System.out.println("The Circumference of the Circle is "+ peri); } } class Rectangle implements Area, Perimeter { int l, b; Rectangle(int length, int breadth) { l = length; b = breadth; } public void calcArea() { int area = l*b; System.out.println("The Area of Rectangle is "+ area); } public void calcPerimeter() { int peri = 2*(l+b); System.out.println("The Perimeter of the Rectangle is "+peri); } } class MultipleInterfaces { public static void main(String[ ] args) { Scanner sc = new Scanner(System.in); System.out.print("Enter the Radius of Circle: "); int radius = sc.nextInt(); Circle cc = new Circle(radius); cc.calcArea(); cc.calcPerimeter(); System.out.println(""); System.out.print("Enter the Length of Rectangle: "); int length = sc.nextInt(); System.out.print("Enter the Breadth of Rectangle: "); int breadth = sc.nextInt(); Rectangle rr = new Rectangle(length, breadth); rr.calcArea(); rr.calcPerimeter(); } }


cmd->  javac  MultipleInterfaces.java
cmd->  java  MultipleInterfaces

Enter the Radius of Circle:   6
The Area of the Circle is 113.09733552923255
The Circumference of the Circle is 37.69911184307752

Enter the Length of Rectangle:   7
Enter the Breadth of Rectangle:   4
The Area of Rectangle is 28
The Perimeter of the Rectangle is 22